Mountain Villages Project

The Mountain Villages Project is framed by the PROVERE iNature - Sustainable Tourism in Classified Areas Collective Efficiency Strategy of Centro 2020, more precisely in executing the Eixo Experimentação: Knowledge Villages.

The iNature consortium is dedicated to innovate and mobilize the territory through Nature Tourism in the classified áreas of the Center region of Portugal, with a special focus in Serra da Estrela Natural Park and Serra da Gardunha Regional Protected Landscape.

Considering the iNature - Sustainable Tourism in Classified Areas Collective Efficiency Strategy, ADIRAM implements an approach of knowledge valorization in a total of 41 Mountain Villages, geographically distributed in the territory of Serra da Estrela Natural Park and Serra da Gardunha Regional Protected Landscape, including 9 municipalities (Covilhã, Seia, Guarda, Manteigas, Celorico da Beira, Oliveira do Hospital, Gouveia, Fundão and Fornos de Algodres).